Kerim Hudson

A London-based designer and full-stack web developer, with a keen interest in digital sustainability and ethics, and the use of design and technology in social innovation. Read more

Open to freelance and full-time opportunities.

Decomposition Library

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The Decomposition Library is a collection of textile decomposition experiments, a part of Hana Hudson's biodesign practise. The website was built to pose as a place for other designers and those interested in materials to be able to explore the impact of decomposition on textiles and the material lifecycle.

When building the site, we aimed to have a minimal footprint, looking to use the smallest frameworks and tooling without compromising on ease. The Decomposition Library is built using WMR, Preact, TailwindCSS and hosted on Vercel. As the website is image heavy, there is a two-step build step which optimises the images, providing responsive images.

The website is statically generated and does not currently use a CMS, but rather a JSON file to keep management easier. However, as the project grows and matures, this may be reconsidered.

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